Cool Cucumber
Opposing gourd consumption since 2000.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
A Cookie Share, For All Who Care
The next stage is to start "customizing" cookies. This starts with family members and significant others, then regresses into beloved pets and then, pets who are no long with us. For example:This leads to the cramping of the hand and then the factory-style, mass production of cookies.The final stage is the cynicism, in which Mark and I try to outdo each other in the "Ugly Cookie" category. I give you:
The Cookie of Unmentionable Color
Friday, December 23, 2005
Embarrassing Admission
Quick post from the parents' dial-up connection. Wow, I miss high-speed Internet, but it is great to be relaxing with the family. Marky is here today and tomorrow Luke and Tori come for the day. I'm also looking forward to the famous Bill breakfast in the morning, complete with farm-fresh eggs.
Now, for the confession part. I was in the mall 2 days ago, at Gap or Old Navy, I think. Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas" was playing loudly and I found myself singing along. Not silently. What is wrong with me? I mean, I hadn't heard the song since LAST December and it did seem a little like an old friend whom I hadn't seen in a while. But, goodness, listen to my excuses- what is wrong with me?
Just typing that makes me feel a little lighter in conscience, but a new problem has arisen: now the song is in my head. In fact, during the last hour, it's been playing, loop-style, in my brain. Make it stop, please!
Merry Christmas to all!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Care Package from Bean Town
My dear friend Had sent me a Christmas care package that arrived yesterday! Yippee for me! Had always makes the best mix CD's (3 this time) and sends the most quirky cool gifts. Christmas is at last here. (click the images for a larger view)
Gotta love the card!
Here's the ornament that's now hanging on my tree.
Haven't you always wanted a little box that opens up to 50 other tiny nested boxes? Cleo, in the background, was elated at the chance to play with tape.
Ha ha, Had never misses a chance to label me a liberal.
I've never heard of this book but it's the sort of book I'd want to read! The best kind of gift is something you didn't even know you wanted. :-)
Thanks, Had; you rock!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Fruitcake, At Last Finished
It's funny, but I've been dreaming about making my own fruitcake for some time now. I have always been a closet fan of the stuff, despite public ridicule.
For this batch, I modified a recipe I found on the Internet: I used dried cherries, cranberries, and strawberries, with walnuts.
It is WONDERFUL! I'm so proud.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Do Photos Speak a Thousand Words?
I couldn't quite narrow down what I want to say to the blogging world right now, but I DO have lots of great photos from my wonderful weekend. Here are a few:
Friday afternoon at the all-school Songfest, the last song required the teachers to get out in the middle of the gym floor and boogie, much to the students' delight. In the middle is Jordan and me, trying to direct the masses since we didn't have jingle bells. Notice the look of glee on the teachers' faces, with only 20 minutes 'til Winter Break!
Friday night annual Christmas Glam Night Out; pictured is me, Beth, and Ginger.
Saturday was a snowy day; Rob and I made a fire in the fireplace after we cleaned up a rather unfortunate dog-got-into-the-chocolate mess.
Sunday we tackled my new cold brewing system for coffee (AWESOME gift, Rob). The photo is actually from today's final draining stage. And wow- what a smooth cup of coffee it made!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Perfect Christmas Gifts Found!
I went on a frantic shopping mission tonight: to find gifts for my dear friends Beth, Becky and Melanie. I really want to say what I got, and none of them really read this blog much. But what if they should check my blog by chance before I give them their gifts Friday night? Merry Christmas to the girls. You make my life more rich and exciting; more full of love and grace.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Local Readership?
I checked my stats tonight and saw that two people in the last 2 days have checked my blog... from Colorado Springs. Who are you people in my fair city?
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Snow + Royal = Fun
It snowed a LOT today... such a pleasant surprise! My sweet dog was bouncing around, full of joy when I let him out, so I decided to join him and take a few photos.
This crazy animal made me laugh for 30 minutes straight; all from his jumping around and putting his face in the snow.
I would throw a small log from my wood pile, and the crazy guy would chase it wildly! He's not much of a fetch dog normally.
Here he is, trying unsuccessfully to pick up the log.
Royal looking pensive for the camera.
I love him so much. I never imagined the delight I would take in owning a dog.
Friday, December 02, 2005
What NOT to say to your child's teacher...
after a long field trip, on which you have been a chaperone:
"Are you guys doing anything the rest of the day? I think I'm going to take little Johnny home with me now."
Nah... I know we have another hour and a half left, but I just figured we'd lie on the floor and take naps. Just kind of "veg."
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Freakin' Amazing!
My brother brought me this nifty little treat for our Thanksgiving road trip. Yes, you read the label correctly; the latte is self-heating! Mark opened it for me while we were driving near La Veta Pass. It was a very involved process to get the sleeve to heat the insides, involving a seal that needed to be broken by popping the bottom tab, then pushing a little button while the latte was upside down. The heating process took about 10 minutes total. The beverage was palatable; in fact, it was downright delicious!