Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Relief of Running

Today I worked myself into a bit of a wedding fever. I don't know what came over me, really, just that I felt very panicky all of the sudden about a budget and guest list and I could honestly feel the churning in my abdomen as a result of the worry. I had also neglected running this week as a result of all this engagement happiness. I mean, why run 7 miles at night when you could be sitting at the computer, reading about wedding etiquette on The Knot?

Anyway, I made myself go run at the Santa Fe Trail, which is a 10-minute drive from my house. (I didn't take this photo, and no, there wasn't any snow on the ground today.)The exciting thing is that I ran for 50 minutes and enjoyed it! I just amazed myself and really felt like a runner, instead of the imposter I usually feel like. I couldn't have run 1 mile in January, and now I'm running 4.5 and thinking I could keep going. I was very aware of the silence, the birds, my breathing (I'm trying 2 steps inhale, 3 steps exhale these days), and most of all, the beautiful stream. The only thing that would have made the run better would be to have Rob with me. When we run together, I feel like I can go twice as far.

My knee had been hurting this week and I had dragged my feet about running. Funny thing is, once I started running the pain went away. Maybe it was computer desk induced knee pain.


At 5/11/2006 09:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, that's so sweet dear. I wish you were by my side for my Denver run. It was a tough one tonight.

At 5/12/2006 09:26:00 AM, Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said...

I am having such trouble getting into running again...what's your secret? I really want to...but when it comes right down to it, I always flake. Hate that!!

Any advice?

PS LOVE the knot!!

At 5/13/2006 08:14:00 AM, Blogger Ciera said...

reminds me that I need to start walking again. :)

At 5/30/2006 11:18:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Sarah just 2 more days until you get to see the Dodd's in Dallas. We love Rob and have been following all this wedding STUFF (guy term). We can't wait to meet you and have fun together here. Keep running because that blocks out more than just knee pain. Ha.


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