Monday, September 26, 2005

More Photo Blogging

This is Scully, a German Shepherd and I'm going to go check her out tomorrow at the Humane Society. She is beautiful, isn't she? In my heart I really want to rescue a dog from being euthanized or kept in a pen for months and months, but it's a little scary to just blindly take home a pet when you don't know its background. I called today and tried to pry some information out of a woman on the phone, but I guess you never really can tell much about an animal that's been found as a stray. I find myself praying for a strong "gut feeling" when I see her- a clue to whether she is what I want. If I do take her home tomorrow, I'll have a 2 week trial period in which I can slowly and safely introduce her to my cat... I just don't want to take chances when it comes to Cleo. I'll keep you guys updated on how the visit goes.

Anyway... you're thinking now, 'Why doesn't Sarah just go to bed?' I had a reputation back-in-the-college-day for being an insomniac... which wasn't exactly true. It sounded more cool than "girl who hates to go settle down and sleep." Was I studying? No! I would stay up until sunrise at times, talking with other like-minded folks in our lobby, doing and saying the sorts of things you couldn't get away with in the daytime. It was a grand meeting of souls and minds and there may have to be a more complex post (soon) on this secret society of night-dwellers. I sometimes feel a little like reliving that and having all the fun I can when I'm supposed to be in bed sleeping.


At 9/26/2005 10:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, dog + cat? You got more guts than I. I hesitate introducing another cat with mine, much less a dog!

I used to be a night owl, up until about... three weeks ago. Colorado changed that. I miss it a lot, blogging and talking until 3 am. Lat night coffee at the Cafe Brazil. Tinkering in the garage at all hours.

But honestly, earlier mornings are better for me. I was so inefficient at work back then - a walking zombie.

At 9/27/2005 06:20:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dog and new cat are slowly getting used to each other. I think it takes animals with certain kinds of personality. My dog is really submissive and obeys me, which is important if she starts to go after the cat and I say Stop!!, she stops. She doesn't go after the cat aggressively either, she's still pretty much a puppy so she's just playing. I think this kind of personality is promising for learning to live with a cat.

The cat, on the other hand, also seems to have the right temperment. He's very mellow and DOESN'T USUALLY RUN or frighten easily. He stands his ground and has smacked the dog a couple of times (which is totally useless because he's declawed) but it's still good enough to discourage Sadie from chasing.

That said it's all going very well. They tolerate each other, can both be in the same room together (with me present) with no major problems and lately they've even touched noses and licked each other, as if in acknowledgement of each other's existence. So I have hope.

I think with your situation it's hard to tell. You don't his personality, or his history, you're new to him so he might not listen as well in the beginning. I think it's possible but it'll take a lot of work. Good luck!

At 9/27/2005 06:35:00 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks, Barb- I'm so glad to hear that your two animals are getting along. I think I need to go into this with the acceptance that if it doesn't work, I take her back (normally, I almost NEVER take things back). I hate to have this attitude but I really want to be objective instead of instantly falling in love with her.

My cat can be jumpy, but at the same time she has an assertive streak (and claws!). When my old roommate added a cat to our house over a year ago, Cleo was semi-aggressive for the first month or so, running up and swatting the poor kitten continuously. Eventually they loved each other.

It is all a gamble, though, you're right. But I am committed to training and working hard with a new dog.

At 9/27/2005 10:59:00 AM, Blogger Allan said...

I don't know if I could go through all the angst of hoping adult cats and dogs would get along.

Now if they were puppies and kittens, that would be another thing.

Good luck.


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