Friday, September 16, 2005


I'm so excited to go see TWO IMAX films tomorrow for free. It's a teachers' free day at the IMAX, and two other members of the 4th grade team are going with me. They give you free things like neat-o pens, highlighters, and last time I got little flag post-it notes, and they stuff you with free popcorn and pop also. It's probably a little amusing to witness how excited I am- enjoy it, blogosphere- because this is sheer joy, and I'm not ashamed. I told a non-teacher friend how I felt like I was being treated like a queen, and she just laughed at me.


At 9/16/2005 11:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don'cha just love going to the movies? And for free, that's even better. Haven't seen an IMAX flick in years. I've heard good things about that Cameron movie.

Have a great day at the picture shows!

At 9/17/2005 07:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol... that's cool, sarah. I used to work at a science museum that had an IMAX theatre and we got to see all the movies for free. It was great fun!

and hey, welcome to the blogosphere. Nice pics! love the piglets.

At 9/17/2005 09:45:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a teacher, but I think I understand. As a mom to four young daughters, if someone brings me a glass of water I feel pampered!!!

Enjoy your treat!!! You deserve it!

At 9/17/2005 11:10:00 AM, Blogger Alison said...

You are so lucky! :)


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