Monday, September 12, 2005

Martini Monday

In the last month and a half, I've lost my roommate to her fiancee... they bought a house together and are so happy. It's been very isolating and reflective and lonely, but I feel like I'm coming out of that fog of living alone and being by myself.

Tonight I met up with 4 of my friends and we went downtown for half price martinis. I love these Monday nights. We end up in fits of laughter, being our silly old selves and usually decide that we need to go dancing all night (usually that doesn't fly on a Monday, though). For at least 7 years now (I'm very much a "chronology" gal- you'll hear me reference dates, years, landmarks in time quite often), I've yearned for close girl pals. At least half of the boyfriends I've ever had endured my melancholy stemming from the fact that I didn't have those heart/soul connections that I wanted. Has my friendship situation ever been perfect? No, I can't say that I've ever been someone to make friends quickly. I take time. But I think I'm at a good high point now. And I guess today, for the first time, I look back and say I have it. I know that these people are permanant fixtures in my life because I want to see them after Martini Mondays and we meet for coffee before church, we have dinner at a steakhouse because one of us won a crucial bet, we run together in the summer mornings (even if it only lasts for 2 weeks). I feel a little more understood, a little more loved, because of these women.


At 9/13/2005 03:28:00 AM, Blogger Allan said...

Good friends like that are a treasure.

At 9/13/2005 03:04:00 PM, Blogger edieraye said...

Oh I feel exactly the same about girlfriends. I still have one friendship that I mourn the passing of more than any romantic relationship. I used to think that if I could just find that one friend my life would finally be well-rounded and balanced (well, that and regular bowell movements - which I believe falls under the heading of TMI). Cherish your friendships!

At 9/14/2005 02:14:00 AM, Blogger Alison said...

Good friends are essential. You are lucky!

At 9/17/2005 12:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It was the greatest night of my life.
Although I still had not found a wife
I had my friends
Right there beside me."

Jim Morrison, The Doors, "Light my fire"

Great post, really enjoyed it. :)

At 9/17/2005 09:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girlfriends are the best! Nothing lifts my spirits more than going out with the girls!

At 4/09/2006 10:30:00 PM, Blogger Leaning Shanty Farm said...

You are very lucky. : )

I feel like I had that in college for the longest time. But getting married can sometimes change it a little.

Right after I got married, I moved from KY to CA with my husband for his new job. So while trying to learn how to be a wife, I also had to figure out how to be a friend (after making some, of course)... and then learn to balance it.

It's a lot harder than it sounds. But, luckily, it's all perfect now. : )

Girl friends are sometimes neglected and abused in high school and college...but it's nice to finally become an adult and make true women friends...they really help you become who you want to be.


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