Sunday, November 20, 2005

Is this why I don't nap?

My parents left town this afternoon to return to the farm, and I decided that I really needed to... I slept for 2 hours solid on the couch.

I woke up with an odd dizzy feeling and sluggish limbs. My thoughts aren't very clear, and I feel a little like I'm still dreaming. I feel incredibly indecisive about what to do for the next 2 hours before I head off to church movie night.

I wondered long ago if I was not cut out for naps; I'm still not good at them because I don't fall asleep easily. My mind doesn't want to quiet down in the middle of a sunny day. Then it takes me too long to recover from a nap once I've taken it.

Any suggestions from napping experts out there?


At 11/20/2005 06:21:00 PM, Blogger girlski said...

no advice here -- i hate naps. i hate them for the same reasons you described -- i wake up dazed and more tired than when i feel asleep. especially those really long naps where you wake up with "morning breath" and you have to brush your teeth... hate that.

At 11/20/2005 07:37:00 PM, Blogger J-Dingo said...

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At 11/20/2005 07:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it about those people that can take a twenty minute nap and feel refreshed!

I have to take a really long one and then it ruins the rest of my day. The only way I have found to get going again is to take a shower and "start over".

What's a church movie?

At 11/20/2005 09:12:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Ah, yes, church movie night. The 20's and 30's group at my church is starting an Oscars countdown, and we're watching movies that likely will be nominated for awards. We saw the documentary "Mad Hot Ballroom" tonight- a fun one.

At 11/20/2005 09:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, someone kept me up late last night, so a nap was truly in order today. :-o

I have found that the longer I nap, the worse those dizzy feeling are after nap recovery. The best naps are the 10-15 minute power naps. Ebb doesn't subscribe to this philosophy.

At 11/20/2005 09:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Mad Hot Ballroom. It sounds really fun. I thought Spellbound was a hoot.

Nap? What's a nap?

At 11/20/2005 09:43:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Ha ha... someone had to cave on her dearly held no-nap philosophy today, as a result of her late night yesterday.

At 11/20/2005 09:46:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I just rented Spellbound the other day, and plan to watch it tomorrow. It comes highly recommended. :-)

At 11/20/2005 09:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try shorter naps. Twenty minutes tops.

That's the only way I can do it.

If I sleep longer, I feel just like you did when I wake.

At 11/21/2005 03:01:00 PM, Blogger Ciera said...

I can't take naps either. Same reason...It takes me forever to drop off and I always sleep too long.

The shower suggestion is a good one though.


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